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Menstruation and Ovulation Study (MOS)

Want to learn more about your cycle?

CeMCOR is pleased to announce that we have reached our goal of recruiting 600 women for this study. As of March 2008, we will no longer be enrolling any new participants. Thank you to all the 600+ women who helped us achieve this goal! We look forward to analyzing the data and publishing the results.


Already a participant? Enter our password-protected participants’ lounge to download resources, view the instructional video, and pass along your comments & questions. If you haven't already received the login/password details, please contact Dr. Kalyan at 604-875-5960 or email

Who can participate in this study?

Are you a woman who:

  • is between the ages of 20 and 40?
  • has menstruated within the last 3 months?
  • has not used oral contraceptives/hormones within 3 months?
  • has not had a hysterectomy?

If you responded "Yes" to all 4 questions – we welcome you to this study!

What is the purpose of this research?

We want to find out if the signals your body gives you indicate whether or not you have ovulated (released an egg). This study aims to give both doctors and women a better understanding of the complex workings of women's menstrual cycles.

Why is this research important?

It is not generally well known that women with regular menstrual cycles can have subclinical anovulation (lack of egg release) which goes undiagnosed. Identifying anovulation in women is important because it is linked to infertility, bone loss, heavy flow and anemia in young women. In menopausal women, a history of anovulation is linked to endometrial and breast cancers, and possibly cardiovascular disease.

What would I be asked to do?

You will be asked to keep a menstrual cycle diary for one month, and to collect 8 urine samples during that time (urine samples are taken at home - no trips to the lab are needed). There will also be two interview sessions, one each at the beginning and end of your cycle. These will take place at our offices at VGH.

How will I benefit from participating?

Each woman will receive their personal hormonal analysis of estrogen and progesterone. You will also receive a copy of an educational DVD featuring Dr. Jerilynn Prior at the end of the study.

Contact Us

For more information please call 604-875-5960 or email Please note that enrollment for this study is closed as of March 2008.

Estrogen’s Storm Season: Stories of Perimenopause

Estrogen's Storm Season

by Dr. Jerilynn C Prior

New second edition available

Estrogen’s Storm Season is now available in BOTH print and eBook (Mobi and ePUB) versions!

All royalties are recieved in our Endowment fund (overseen by UBC) and support CeMCOR's research and future.

It is full of lively, realistic stories with which women can relate and evidence-based, empowering perimenopause information. It was a finalist in 2006 for the Independent Publisher Book Award in Health.

Purchase your ebook copy via our Amazon Kindle or
Google Play storefronts!

Paperback copies (with updated insert) still available here.

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Volunteer research participants are the heart of all CeMCOR research. Participants are invited to provide feedback on study processes, to learn their own results and at the end of a study, be the first to hear what the whole study found. Please become a CeMCOR research participant—you can contribute to improving the scientific information available for daughters, friends and the wider world of women+.